Paola Zanda – Flight

The Myth of Icarus

Inspiration: I was always fascinated about history and mythology, and the first idea that came to me for the challenge ‘Flight’ is the Icarus flight.

Screenprinted using an engraved template hand carved by me, and acrylic colour.  Dyed cotton fabric using the shibori technique and Procion MX colors.  Machine and freehand embroidery. Machine-stitching with double transport and hand-stitched.


Detail view:

  1. Very powerful work! The strenght of human body armed with white wings against the sun, the power of dreams. Love it!

  2. Maryte Collard

    Impressive! I can feel the heat!

  3. Nice colors and a great design, good interpretation of the theme. Strong looks because of color and minimization in quilting, well done!

  4. The bright colours and beautiful design of your piece makes it very powerful !

  5. studiociboulette

    Very powerful piece, i like the intensity of the colors. Beautiful!

  6. The use of color here is intense and defintely helps one feel the heat of the sun. I am in awe of your screen-printing techniques.Very nice!

  7. Wonderful imagery and beautifully worked. I love the impact of your colours and the interpretation of the theme. Well done

  8. Lovely work and a really good choice of subject. Love the choice of colours.

  9. Unexpected inspiration. Powerful and strong work.

  10. Beautiful warm colours. What a wonderful idea to use the Greece mythology for this theme. Awesome.

  11. Beautiful interpretation of the theme. Your design, colors and quilting is spot on.
    Bravo Paola!

  12. Such a beautiful screen print. Nice, warm colors, perfect for this work.

  13. A very strong design and great colours.

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