Joan Brailsford – Horizon

Many more hills to climb

When thinking about this theme, I decided to combine both an actual horizon with an idea of my personal vision for what will be on the horizon for me. To explain, you should know that I am a keen hill-walker, and especially love the Peak District of England which is near to me. So, I thought I would combine a number of my views of the Peak District scenery to give an impression of the place, without being an actual location. In doing so, it provides a view with many rolling hills stretching into the distance – a horizon – and reflects my own personal horizon which will hopefully be many more hills to climb.

The scenery is made from sheers, silks and cottons, bonded onto a firm cotton backing, with the finer fabrics in the far distance, getting thicker as they move into the foreground, to give a sense of perspective. The rocks in the immediate foreground are made from rough silk fibres. Details in the foreground are hand stitched, while the shape of the receding hills is machine stitched, both for definition and as quilting lines. I have added trees to the foreground and to the tops of the middle-distance hills, to continue with my underlying topic of ‘trees’, and because when you view an open landscape, it is often the trees which define the contours. The sky is quilted with free motion machine stitching to resemble clouds.

Detail view:



  1. A perfect landscape. Cure of details, choice of colours and fabrics for an impressive result. Bravo.

  2. carolinehiggs

    Just love it, it takes me back to my time in the Peak district and the Scottish borders. Great use of colour and fine attention to detail.

  3. Beautiful, poetic landscape with never ending horizons – love it!

  4. When I saw it I knew it was yours ! a poetical and realistic view of Peak District !

  5. Beautiful and so calm. I love the colours and the hand stitched details.

  6. Yours is a peaceful, joyful quilt. The atmospheric perspective created with the variety of fabrics it quite wonderful. It makes me want to go take a hike!

  7. I like to walk and to run, but no way uphill. That’s why I’m glad I live in a flat country.😂.
    But your quilt makes me curious. What’s behind the next hill. The choise of fabrics and the embroidered details are excellent.

  8. What a beautiful peaceful quilt. Love the subtile pastel colours of the sheer and the way you added the small trees for contours.The rough silk fibres in the foreground are fabulous. Beautiful piece!

  9. You have designed a sea of beautiful, rolling hills. Each hill has its own horizon and challenge, to reach it and then pass it. Such lovely embroidery details. Love it!

  10. studiociboulette

    Beautiful! I just want to be there in your quilt, walking those hills. The colors are stunning!

  11. Wow, wow and wow. That was the first thing I thought with the reveal. Such delicate and fine work, perfect balance and colors and on top of that your stitching. Big compliments Joan, and I wish you many more walks…

  12. What a very beautiful scene and a lovely quilt! Great colors.
    Thanks for all your help with the reveal.

  13. Maryte Collard

    It is truly yours, Joan. Very romantic and calling to climb those hills. Perfect use of colors and texture.

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