Greetje Hein – S


Inspiration: I love fields of flowers. That’s why I want to do my letter series with all kind of flowers.

I would like to make a series with flowers. My challenge for this series is also to use a lot of materials I bought “just because I might need it”.

I dyed a piece of cotton fabric and some lace with ice-cubes. This blue-green fabric I want to use as the background for all the quilts. All quilts will have a strip of velours de panne. On this strip you will see the name of the flower. All the quilts will show a bigger flower. The letter suggests the flowerfield.

The first flower with “S” I had in mind is a sunflower. The heart of the flower is a cotton batik, free motion quilted with shrink foil. I added the highlights with gold and copper wax. Ages ago I made a bobbin-lace sunflower. I took it apart and used the flower leaves.



Detail view:

sunflower detail

  1. What a beauty, so sunny and joyful! And great idea for a serie.

  2. I love flowers and especially sunflowers. You managed to give light and warmth to this wonder of nature. Bravo.

  3. I love the variety of textures in your work. If you continue the same way, that’s going to be an amazing collection.

  4. Bright and sunny ! I am looking forward for the other flowers …

  5. I knew this was yours! It is beautifully stitched with great attention to detail, lovely choice of subject.

  6. Love the design and use of the needlelace petals. The colours are vibrant and makes one really look into the quilt.

  7. This is a truly amazing piece. Love how you made it 3D with the lace flower and I particularly like the stem that extends from the bottom. De difference between the velours the panne and the cotton is striking. Well done!

  8. Very charmng, I truly appreciate all the texture you have added. It helps to draw the viewer in for a closer look.

  9. I too have a stash of ‘just in case I need it’ fabrics, and you have used yours to wonderful effect on this piece. The colours and textures are just right and your sunflower is a sunny and happy statement. I like the way you have filled your letter with the same flowers too. Beautiful

  10. studiociboulette

    Bright and sunny like the sun. Nice details and quilt.

  11. Flowers and Greetje, they belong together i guess. You did a great job, working out the plan for your series. All pieces on the same background gives them connection with each other immediately, so does your subject. Worked out great with the different materials you brought together, beautiful!

  12. I love the ideas you have for your series of flower quilts. This one is a bright and cheerful start. I particularly like the bobbin lace as not many people make it these days. I must get my pillow and bobbins out again!

  13. A well though out happy quilt. Love all the texture, color, quilting and details. Well done Greetje!

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