Monthly Archives: March 2016

Challenge – East meets West

Our latest challenge is “East meets West”, which I’m sure you will agree has a wide range of possible interpretations.  Not least of these is deciding what constitutes both east and west, particularly when you consider that the members of this group are spread throughout the world. You may find it interesting to see how this theme is approached in our various geographical locations, and how our members ideas, designs and techniques are used to produce a diverse set of work.  To learn more about the artists and what inspired them click on the thumbnail and you will be redirected to their artist page.

friendship bridge   DSCN1514 (2)   P1130649

DSCN5303      DSCN6687

Pearlsgoldsugar   full image   PM

P1070918   sslesinger_EastmeetsWest_  SM

lin   east-west SH1