Els Mommers – Decay


I am still intrigued by doors and furthermore experimenting with textile surface techniques.
When the theme Decay came up, the first thing that came to my mind was an old door in a somewhat dilapidated street somewhere in the south of Europe, of which I had seen a photo on the internet.
On our weekly painting mornings I made a design and painted it on a small canvas.
I added some silhouettes of old ladies to depict not only the decay of a building but also of life itself.

For the stairs and the walls I used some of my old rusted and breakdown or deconstructed screen printing fabric pieces and applied a thick paste of flour on it. After drying and somewhat cracking the flour, I painted over it and rinsed off the flour.
The stairs were then painted with acrylic paint
The fabric for the door was first covered with a kind of Vaseline and several layers of paint were applied over it. Black synthetic felt was placed underneath and the edges burned with the soldering iron.
A window was appliqued and the whole piece is free motion quilted.
The piece is finished with a facing.

The whole process can be seen in pictures on: http://kunamola.blogspot.com



Close up views:


Steps and door


Burned door


design on canvasjpg

Painted design on canvas.




  1. Very peaceful yet dramatic scene – love the atmosphere here.

  2. carolinehiggs

    Lovely, gentle and slow decay, one has a real feel of the atmosphere. Great piece.

  3. Gorgeous as usual with feelings of melancholy and tenderness.Chapeau!

  4. The description of the different stages of your work is – as always – very interesting. This piece conveys the reality of life with its sadness but also the slow process of decay. Bravo !

  5. I am amazed how much work you put into these small pieces and the result is always stunning. I find so much symbolism in your Decay, I just keep looking at it and thinking of my own life, of WHEN. That’s a true art!

  6. studiociboulette

    I love old doors. I like the stories they carry. Your interpretation looks gorgeous…

  7. Beautiful work, love the way you made the crackle effect on the walls. The whole atmosphere in your piece is decay, in a gentle way. Great techniques and good description on your blog.

  8. I love the door, I admire your use of many techniques, and I feel the pain in the old lady’s back!

  9. Amazing! Wonderful! This piece totally captures the theme and my attention!

  10. joanbrailsford

    I love the way you have worked into the fabric to create a distressed and decayed look. there is so much detail and interest in this piece and it works really well to depict aging and decay (some days I know how the old ladies feel!!). Well done

  11. Your interpretation of decay in everyday life as well as the surroundings in this old village is well done Els. Love all your experimentation of surface design and texture techniques. Bravo!

  12. Els, I admire your techniques. So much detail in every quilt you make. Amazing!!!

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