Helen Hazon – Water – Snowflakes

This was such a broad theme to work with. I had so many ideas at the beginning but eventually decided that I needed something that could satisfy my scientific leanings. This lead me to look at water molecules and from there it was an easy jump to crystals and snowflakes. The structure of a snowflake is built (usually) on a hexagonal basic unit, the crystal developing in 6 directions with more or less identical patterns.
My design is based on a photomicrograph of an actual snowflake. I have used stencilling to get the shapes onto the fabric, two silver negatives, and one white positive from the same template. I have then added lots of stitching by machine and by hand using silver metallic thread and white cotton.
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  1. Well done. A great subject to work with. Your techniques have brought the snowflake to life.

  2. Very nice Helen. The frozen water is as much intriguing as the flowing water. You made a strong design with the snowflakes, that are so convincing… Well done.

  3. Immaculate as ever, a lovely interpretation Helen.

  4. Interesting idea and really good realized. Very nice and delicate.

  5. Frozen water is no less water. Cool idea! Nice rendering.

  6. A great interpretation of the theme. I like the details of the snowflakes. Lovely!

  7. Very nice ! and the use of stencilling is perfect to represent the snow flakes. Well done.

  8. studiociboulette

    Beautiful details….Wonderful sense of magic!

  9. I never knew a snowflake is based on a hexagon. I really love how you used the embroidery stitches of you machine. So beautiful!

  10. What a great interpretation of water. Well done!

  11. A delicate and interesting background that really suits the complicated snowflake in the foreground. This is beautifully stitched and finished.

  12. A different interpretation but a fabulous piece beautiful stitching

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