Bozena Wojtaszek – Blooming

Spring cooking

The first thought for “Blooming” theme was obvious – I would go with flowers and the only thing to decide was if I want one flower, a bunch of them or the whole garden. But later on I realized that my personal artistic goal for 2019 is to focus on kitchen/food oriented artworks. So, why not to start with blooming in the kitchen?

I immediately imagined a small kitchen space with lots of blooming here and there. While pondering on this idea further I decided to keep with just one pot and a few kinds of blooming around. So the small flowers on the wall tiles and floral designs on the pot accompany the main blooming process going on in the pot. And because it is dreadful January (which in Poland is really dreadful) my longing for spring showed up too – from bare roots, through the mysterious cooking process, to the joyful spring blooming!

Close up views:

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  1. Congratulations on your first challenge. Interesting the developing of your theme. I like how you created the pot and your stitching. Well done.

  2. Very interesting idea that you expressed very well. I like hand stitching and embroidery, they add texture to your work.

  3. I love your idea. The piecing and hand stitching are very well done. The fabric you used as background is perfect for this piece. Welcome to the group!

  4. I enjoy the textures you have created as well as the contrast between elements. The hand-stitched lines purposefully lead the viewer’s eye throughout your composition. Nice work!

  5. Very nice piece, I like the hand stitching especially on the pot. It will be interesting to follow your theme of the year through our different themes !

  6. Well thought out and interesting interpretation of the theme. I love the feeling of joy that bubbles out of your pot, and the stitching and fabric are perfect for the piece. Congratulations on your first piece within the group.

  7. A lovely first piece for the group. I like the way you have interpreted the theme, great attention to detail; a lovely piece.

  8. I think this is a cheerful piece. I particularly like the jolly red fabric you used for the flowers and the extra detail in the embroidery.

  9. Congratulations on your first challenge. Well done. I like how your inspiration guided you. Nice composition.

  10. Welcome Bozena, a lovely first piece in our group. Really like the idea of blooming in the kitchen and the way you translated it into fabric. Your choice of materials and the stitching makes it complete!

  11. So nice to see how you succeeded in using your personal food/kitchen goal in this Blooming piece. I love the small flowers in the flowers, your handstitching in the background and even the blooming binding. Congratulations on your first piece in the group.

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