Kaylene Maalste – Book #1

Inspiration for my quilt is from “The Dictionary of Lost Words” by Pip Williams. The main protagonist Esme Nicoll spends her childhood in the Scriptorium of Dr Murray where the first Oxford English Dictionary is being compiled. While beneath the sorting table Esme finds a slip with the word “Bondmaid” written on it. Instead of putting the slip back, she takes it and places it in a trunk that will become the Dictionary of Lost Words. The trunk overtime will be the depository of words that Esme collects overtime that relate to women’s experiences.

Materials – silk that is an off cut from a dress my sister made over 40 years ago. Words from the book are embroidered with stranded cotton. To convey the feeling of lost words I have jumbled words vertically and diagonally.

Close up:

  1. Great choice of book! The words are beautifully stitched and the silk adds a depth to the work. Well done!

  2. It’s always a pleasure to discover new writers and books. The blue silk with your sister’s dress resembles the lining of the secret chests with the various precious items. Your quilt represents Esme’s trunk very well, and your skillfully stitched words are the hidden treasures.

  3. The hand stitching on the blue silk background is perfect .

  4. Another book unknown to me. It sounds very interesting! The blue silk is a beautiful background for your many chosen words, expertly embroidered in lovely floss. Wonderful.

  5. Very interesting story! I love how the embroidery thread choice adds to the idea of lost words. Lovely!

  6. Chantal Guillermet

    I did not know this book either ! and you made me want to read it ! the blue silk highlight your embroidery nicely ! good idea to jumbled the words vertically and diagonally.

  7. I don’t know the book, but it sounds very interesting. The blue is very striking and shows up the text beautifully. Lovely work

  8. An interesting concept, jumbling the “lost words” across the surface. I’m intrigued by what will come.

  9. I was thinking about this book recently but couldn’t remember the title, just knew I’d enjoyed reading it. The words here really show up against the lovely blue background.

  10. I love it that you did the words horizontally and vertically. Nice blue background!

  11. studiociboulette

    Such an interesting story. Great attention to detail and embroidery. Bravo!

  12. Interesting book and clever idea of using the discarded or neglected words as the main focus and also for the quilting, which makes your eyes travel from each lovely hand embroidery word to to the next. Well done.

  13. I never heard about the book, but it sounds very interesting. The different colours of floss that you used for your very neat embroidery work gives the work depth and a feeling of floating across the surface.

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