Maryte Collard – P

Letter P

Inspiration: I will continue on the same path for all letters, by exploring the letter itself as a design element.

As in letter S quilt, I pieced the background using my own hand dyed fabrics in pastels. This time I used red, orange and yellow colors with some green and blue. The same three diamonds with stronger red as a design element that will repeat in all quilts. The same fabric and hand stitching for the letter. I want every letter at some point to reach the edge of the quilt. When they all are finished and put together, the letters will make their own design. When I move quilts around, this design will change.

Everything is done using my favorite technique of machine piecing and dense machine quilting. Letter is hand stitched.


Detail view:


  1. What a wonderfully vibrant palette of colours! Your stitching is so dense and neat. I really like the contrast between the machine and hand stitch. Great work!

  2. Very nice composition with bright colours and beautiful stitching. I like the stylisation of your letters, it gives a good balance to your piece.

  3. joanbrailsford

    I love the colours and abstract design you have used, and the dense machine quilting is perfect for this piece. You have created a quilt that cerytainly has a ‘wow’ factor and I look forward to the next one in the series

  4. It is immediately clear that this beautiful colourful quilts is yours. I love your style and the bright colours you are using. My compliments for the composition and the very effective hand- and machine-quilting.

  5. what a bright colour palette – I really like the addition of a few blue pieces, they contrast so well with the red/yellow scheme. Your dense quilting is great and I love the idea of making one overall design from all 6 quilts together.

  6. Like everyone above I love the vibrancy of your colours! Can’t wait to see the whole series together 🙂

  7. English quilter

    The bold color scheme is really cheerful and effective. The strong colors work well together and the huge letter P really stands out. The linear modern-style machine quilting emphasises the geometric shapes and adds to the effectiveness of the piece.

  8. Love your idea of using the letters in your series to create a new pattern when the series is done. Your colors are great, so is your stitching. Love to see what’s coming next!

  9. I *love* your use of color and shape! It creates joy for the viewer and deftly leads one’s eye throught the composition. Your stated use of the three diamonds in each of your quilts is and will be fun to follow.

  10. Lovely colors!!! I love your stitching. I can’t wait to see the series completed and to seen how your letters connect. Great idea!

  11. studiociboulette

    I love your series. The colors you dye, the composition and the mixture of machine and hand stitching. Beautiful quilt!

  12. Love all the beautiful warm colors with the pop of cool blue. Your modern composition with dense hand and machine stitching keeps your eye moving throughout your quilt. Bravo!!

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