Genevieve Guadalupe – Re-arranged

Cosmo vision

Cosmo vision is my way of re-arranging the cosmos. As I recently fractured my head, I’ve been sleeping for days. I didn’ t have any thoughts, just deep darkness. As the general inflammation went down, colors started to emerge out of the dark. I imagined the cosmos full of planets and stars. A little dismanteled at first but clear. This quilt is my interpretation of my vision of the cosmos.

Cotton fabrics, poly batting, cotton/poly threads.

Raw edge appliqué, machine quilted.

Close up view:






  1. What a great interpretation; this really demonstrates what was going on in your head. The contrast quilting works really well, lovely.

  2. From dark to clear and coloured cosmos. Excellent and well-done work.

  3. As Caro said, this quilt really demonstrates the “lightning” in your head. The variety of colours on the dark background and the simplicity of the quilting makes it all stand out. Bravo.i

  4. I like the contrast between the round shapes of the planets and the straight lines of the quilting and between the dark background and the colouful planets. Nice piece.

  5. Every cloud has a silver lining – and your head injury proves this because this piece is really effective. the contrast between the dark background and the colourful planets works so well, and the quilting brings it all together. Well done

  6. A bright and positive outcome from your dark recovery days. I like how the narrow quilting lines contrast so well with the circles.

  7. Love your cosmos – especialiy the clarity and strong impact of it.

  8. Both your story and your quilting are simplified outcomes from a complex situation in your head. Love the way you worked out this re-arraned cosmos, hope you are fully recovered by now.

  9. A great interpretation of your vision of the cosmos and how your head feld. The colors and the quilting are very effective.

  10. Strong statement! Clever interpretation. Bravo!

  11. English quilter

    A clever and colorful interpretation of the theme. The mix of colorful colors and circles contrasted with horizontal linear quilting works elle.

  12. English quilter

    A clever and colorful interpretation of the theme. The mix of colorful colors and circles contrasted with horizontal linear quilting works well. This is a happy piece despite your concussion

  13. Through your pain and darkness you have created color once again. You have showed us what you were seeing in your mind and effectively translated it beautifully. Well done Genevieve. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

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