Helen Hazon – Recycle – Water

Water is vital for life on Earth so we have to recycle and care for this resource. We are very fortunate in the developed parts of the world that most of our water recycling is taken care of and I am forever grateful to the people who work hard to make this “magic” happen.

There is more that we can do as individuals to make the most of our water supply and not be wasteful.

This quilt’s  colours depict water in various states – fresh and clean, muddy, polluted etc. The swirl design reflects a waterwheel and also water disappearing down a drain. The corner circles are Yin/Yang motifs showing balance in using and recycling our water.

Fabrics used were all recycled – sari silks for the water and an old pillowcase for the background and backing. The other materials were leftovers from previous projects.


Recycle - water






  1. I like the colours : where there is water there is green environment ! the symbolism in using the yin and yang shapes, and the swirl design are great !
    Well done

  2. This is stunning, great idea! Love the colours and regularity of the pieces and the stitching.

  3. Beautiful. Love your colours and the way they come back in your binding.

  4. A brilliant design and well thought out congratulations on a quilt design that draws your eye. Well done

  5. Beautiful work with great ideas! Good interpretation of the theme. I like the Yin/Yang motifs.

  6. English quilter

    I love your use of different prints, and the swirl motif. The ying/yang corners really address the theme.

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