Chantal Guillermet – Artist style #2

CHAGALL : Musique

For the next 5 quilts my theme will be “Home and traditions” in connection with Chagall as much as possible… I will also use old linen, embroidered sheets, towels and tablecloths to make my quilts.

When looking for my themes one of the first things that came to my mind was the importance of music in the traditions. The use of the violin at festivals, to the sound of which people danced, is represented several times in the work of Chagall.

In reference to Chagall’s way of painting I have worked my background fabric with large paint flats using a flat, broad brush. The fabric used for the violins was painted in the same way, the violins were printed with the computer from a copyright free drawing.

The score is an aged paper with coffee. It is heat-bonded on the background and patinated with acrylic wax to give it the appearance of old parchment.

When painting the violins I tried to reproduce the glossy side of the wood and I worked on the shadows with inktense pencils.

The background is quilted with horizontal lines with transparent nylon thread to keep the integrity of the brush marks.

The quilt is faced.

Detail view:

  1. A good choice of colours and design, music is always with us either manmade or in nature. Cheers

  2. carolinehiggs

    A very interesting way of interpreting the work of Chagall. The background is true to his form and I like the different use of fabrics in the foreground. I very relaxing piece of work, well done.

  3. Maryte Collard

    Yes, that is a true blend of Chagall’s and Chantal’s styles. Love your attention to details and variety of techniques.

  4. Yes I recognize the violin as often used in Chagall’s work. Love your background and especially how you treated the score with coffee and acrylix wax. Beautiful piece in your own style.

  5. studiociboulette

    Yes, music was such a part of Chagall’s life. I love the way you made your quilt. Beautiful stitching!

  6. Very nice piece. The idea is excellent and the execution is very successful.

  7. Yers, we all remember the violin player in Chagall’s work. Lovely idea to introduce music into your quilt in this way. Beautifully executed, lovely stitching.

  8. joanbrailsford

    I love the way that you are incorporating vintage household fabrics into the pieces and the way that you have added colour to these. The introduction of the score is very effective, and the treatment of the violins completes the piece. Lovely work

  9. A very effective illustration of your theme using a variety of clever techniques to achieve this result. very restful.

  10. What a lovely and peaceful feel to your piece. Love how you integrated the household fabrics, colors and techniques to achieve this beautiful blend of your style and Chagall´s. Well done!

  11. I didn’t realize how often Chagall used music and the violin in his artwork. Yours is a wonderful interpretation of this and I love your process, especially the coffee-aged paper.

  12. I like how you used several techniques. Great composition and the use of complimentary colors makes it a strong piece.

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