Paola Zanda – Nature #5

The Good.

My latest tarot series concludes with two forces of nature coexisting, sometimes overpowering the other. It is about good and evil. In the tarot, the Pope is card number 5, the one who creates the bridge between heaven and earth but also bridges between people, in the sense that he unites and reconciles. He is dressed in white, the colour of purity, and is accompanied by the dove, symbolising peace among animals.

Patterned cotton and mixed fabrics, damask and silk. The pope and the dove are in appliqué.
Freehand embroidery and quilting. I used sewing and embroidery threads.

  1. studiociboulette

    What a gorgeous piece! The background fabric is so elegant and effective. Beautiful attention to details and precision in your quilting. Even the white fabric in the chair gives so much richness and texture to your quilt. Bravo!

  2. Great attention to detail, love the background colours. The movement of the dove is wonderful, lovely piece of work.

  3. You immediately see it’s the pope. I love the background and how you did the dove.

  4. Me too, I also love the background and the idea of the Good. Your quilt is very meaningful these days, thak you!

  5. Chantal Guillermet

    It is an impressive and powerful piece especially in these days ! the contrast between the background fabric and the whiteness of the pope’s robe highlight him.

  6. I wish this Pope and the dove could bring the so needed peace these days. Beautiful executed piece with a lovely background. Well done.

  7. The pope and the dove are very well executed and they are emphasized against the background fabric which I find very special. Beautiful work!

  8. Wow what a beautifully executed design.

  9. A beautifully stitched quilt. The background really sets off the white fabrics and the dove is especially lovely.

  10. I love the background fabric you have used, which perfectly compliments the pain white of the main image. Beautiful work

  11. What a powerful statement your quilt makes! The pope’s face is so realistic, the dove definitely creates a sense of motion. Very nice!

  12. I love the background and the dove and the popes face. realy good job.

  13. Love your tarot series and the meaningful visual execution of it, bravo!

  14. You can see the concern and pain of the world in the popes face, such a powerful composition with lots of symbolism. The background looks like a tapestry. So beautifully stitched, well done!

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