Els Mommers – Book #2


HISTORY OF SABA: Columbus passes Saba

In November 1493. on his second voyage to the New world, Columbus took a different route than the previous one.

He sailed past Nevis and St. Kitts and soon saw more islands.

One of them was little Saba. He didn’t get ashore on these islands.

The island is shown on the first map “Mapamundi”, of part of the Western hemisphere, which is drawn by Columbus cartographer Juan de la Cosa in 1500.

In this second piece, on the foreground, are three of the fleet of 17 ships. On the horizon is Saba and a portrait of Columbus.

Columbus face is traced on batik fabric and his clothes are fused on and appliqued.

Saba is traced and hand painted. The boats are appliqued.

Sky is commercial fabric. The sea is blue fabric that I overpainted with different colors blue, turquoise and metallic iridescent white.

The text: “Nov. 1493. Columbus passes Saba on his second voyage” is machine embroidered.

Sea and sky are machine quilted.

The whole process can be seen on:

http://kunamola.blogspot. com


  1. Beautiful seascape with an interesting story behind it. I love how every quilt teaches us somthing new. I also love your attention to the smallest details. Wonderful!

  2. This is a magnificent seascape, with the three caravels of Columbus passing in front of your Paradise. I like how you made Colombo’s dress. You always pay great attention to detail. Bravo!

  3. studiociboulette

    Beautiful seascape. I love your attention to every detail and the movement of your ships. Your quilting in the sky that makes the quilt alive. Bravo!

  4. Els what a delight to see Columbus peering over the horizon, a charming quilt about Saba’s history. Bravo

  5. A great way to treat the subject of Columbus passing Saba, I love the attention to detail and moodiness of the sky and sea giving a sense of depth to the work. Lovely work, well done.

  6. Chantal Guillermet

    I like how your quilts are related to history ! as usual your attention to details makes this quilt very special !

  7. So many details on such a small space, it’s amazing! All the elements of the quilt are beautifully worked, creating depth and telling the story of Columbus passing Saba. A lovely way to pay tribute to Saba, well done!

  8. Never knew Columbus passed Saba! What a lovely rendition of this historic event. Although Columbus should be the main focus, to me it is those magnificent ships! Great details and your usual wonderful execution with bright colors. Lov’it!

  9. joanbrailsford

    I love this historic story and the way that you have depicted it. As always your stitching is beautiful and the colours you have used are perfect for sea and sky. I like the way that the boats are in the foreground and Columbus and Saba are on the horizon

  10. As always, love your touch of detail. Also the dyed fabrics. I also like the way you include the details of the story.

  11. It’s always good to learn new things and here I have more knowledge of Columbus’ journeys. It’s sad that he didn’t visit your beautiful island. Your design and colours are striking with the ships taking centre stage.

  12. Your composition beautifully tells the story of Columbus’ voyage past these islands. I particularly like the details in the mountain.

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