Chris Staver

Time Zones

As is typical I struggled with coming up with a concept for lines. Several ideas went around in my head. Some of them were certainly good ideas, but whether they could be executed in fabric was another story. So one night I asked my husband what he thought and he said to do latitude and longitude lines. I thought that maybe I could do something with that idea.  Rather than doing latitude and longitude I decided to do time zone lines. I thought that they would be more interesting. Since this was a square quilt I could not include all the countries in the world without creating a lot of distortion.

The land masses are raw edge fused and stitched down with invisible thread.  Picking the fabric for the continents was easy. The ocean proved a bit more difficult since the piece I had of the one that I wanted to use was not big enough. I ended up piecing it since it was the only one in my stash that worked. I used every square inch of that fabric!  The time zone lines were satin stitched. What amazed me about time zone lines was how irregular they were with curves and kinks.  I think they made an interesting pattern. I did minimal quilting by only quilting around the land masses and both sides of the time zone lines to make them pop up.  You might ask if it is geographically correct. Well put it this way….not exactly. The lines were free handed in with a temporary marker before they were stitched by machine.

So here is my quilt called “Time Zones.”


  1. Hi Chris, a great theme, you must have felt like you had travelled the world when you finished, well done.

  2. I really like this quilt Chris, I think you have captured your subject perfectly regardless of wether it is geographically correct. Diana

  3. I had no idea the time lines were so irregular. I love the patterns they make.

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