Maryte Collard – M

Inspiration: as I said many times before, I will continue on the same path for all letters, by using the letter itself as the main design element.

As in previous letters S, P, C, and D, I pieced the background using my own hand dyed fabrics, mostly in pastels, but adding some darker shades for contrast. This time I wanted the main color of the piece to be pink. It was easy, because I already had some pink  leftover blocks from another quilt. I also added some colors from previous quilts: green, blue, yellow and purple. When all quilts are put close together  touching each other, those colors transition from one quilt to another. Three burgundy diamonds are corresponding with the main color of this quilt. The same fabric and hand stitching are used for the letter. Letter M is reaching  the edge of the quilt at three points. Hope this will help to make an additional  design, when I put all 6 quilts together at the end of the year.

Everything is done using my favorite techniques: machine piecing, dense machine quilting and hand stitching.

From all letter quilts this is my favorite so far. I love the colors, the shape of the letter and the fact that this is the first letter of my first name. I am goin to use an image of this quilt to create my logo.

  1. A bright and jazzy addition to your series. Great mix of colours and shapes and I love the shape of the ‘M’.

  2. Wow so colorful, wonderful design of the letter M.

  3. I like your letter M with its very elegant shape ! and your choice of colour is always very good !

  4. Wow what a wonderfully colourful quilt! The fabrics are beautiful and the M shape very elegant. Can’t wait to see your whole series connected together.

  5. Another beautifully stitched piece for your series with lovely bright colors. Well done!

  6. I really love your M shape a lot. Your colours are again stunning. Can’t wait to see your whole series together. Bravo.

  7. Another wonderful feast of colours and shapes, your continuous quilted song of joy!

  8. I love the colours you have used in your series and this piece is a wonderful addition to that. The letter is done so elegantly and the stitching highlights the design. Well done

  9. Wow, fabulous use of color, line and shape! Your hand stitching is quite wonderful and I really look forward to seeing the series all together.

  10. studiociboulette

    I love this quilt Maryte and the first thing I thought was M for Maryte. I love the way you integrate the machine and hand stitching. Beautiful colors and design. Bravo!

  11. Again a lovely piece in your series, can’t wait to see them all together. Great color combinations in this one too, well done.

  12. Lovely! So colourful and such beautiful quilting. I like the hand stitching of the letter M.

  13. I love the shape of the M. The colors are beautiful as usual. I’m looking forward to see the whole design together.

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