Chantal Guillermet – Contrast – Ice Floe

A picture showing Ice floe with white Pancake ice floating on the top of the dark water was my inspiration. The iridescent round shapes bumping into each other on the dark green-blue water was a good example for a contrast of colour, but also Contrast can be interpreted by the liquid element of the sea and the solid one of the ice.

Material :

Hand dyed and commercial fabrics, tarlatane.

Fabric paint, beads.

Techniques :

I didn’t want to reproduce the image but wanted to enhance the idea of Contrast : for this I decided to use dark and white stripes.

On the dark fabric the Pancake ice shapes are fused and appliquéd with a free-motion ziz-zag stitch. The white fabric is textured to suggest thickness. On the white stripes the Pancake ice shapes are suggested with iridescent paint, inktense pencil and free motion quilted. The tarlatane illustrates the foam, the beads are like small ice cubes. French knots to illustrate foam when the Pancake ice shapes are bumping into each other. The quilt is faced.

Sketchbook page:

QUILTS 2014 Etapes de travail 011chantal

CONTRAST 15x15 ice floe 002chantal

 Close up:

CONTRAST 15x15 ice floe 005chantal

  1. martine Dionis

    j’adore, tout simplement

  2. Chantal, I really like how you have captured the movement of the ice, and the contrast with the dark, frigid waters beneath the floe.

  3. Beautiful interpretation and love how you have captured the motion in your placement of the “ice”. Well done

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