Joan Brailsford – Artist style #3

The disused mine

My series continues with a depiction of an old colliery site where the surrounding area has been landscaped and turned into a nature reserve. I love the old buildings and the way they are returning to nature whilst reminding me of hard work in a timer gone by.

I used raw edge applique to create the background and buildings, overlaid with printed chiffon in the sky area.  To depict the natural foreground, I used green fabrics and many rows of chain stitch to echo the style of my artist (Hundertwasser). For the buildings I added more rows of chain stitch to emphasise the shapes of the windows and architecture. The old pit-wheel is also hand-stitched.

I took artistic liberty with the design and incorporated other aspects of the pit buildings which were not in my original photo. (I hope you’ll excuse those!).


Detail views:


Original picture:

  1. Love the complex ideas behind your pieces and the Hundertwasser filter put on it, great job!

  2. Chantal Guillermet

    Even without looking at your name I knew who made this quilt ! Excellent way to incorporate Hunderwasser in your composition : it gives a feeling of dream and reality.

  3. carolinehiggs

    Love it! It fits so well with your others and the style is so evidently Hundertwasser; beautiful use of colour and great subject matter.

  4. Bella Kaplan

    I really like what you did, the use of color and the details that are everywhere. I can see Hundertwasser style.

  5. studiociboulette

    Beautiful piece. Your use of colour, and the stitching are incredible. The subject is perfect and reminiscent of Hundertwasser work. I love this quilt. Bravo!

  6. Maryte Collard

    You are the artist, you are free to see life in your own shapes and colors. Incredibly you are able to blend Hundertwasser’s and your own styles in such a beautiful way. Your attention to details and stitching are amazing.

  7. Wonderful to see you using that well loved theme of disused industrial buildings again and again. Masterful Hundertwasser ‘layer’ on this piece, even the buildings have his style. Lovely colours and great stitching. Bravo!

  8. I love the colours you used. Your handstitching is wonderfull as always. You really made a Hundertwasser.

  9. Perfect what a challenge you set yourself with the chain stitches, You are going to have a great series by the end. Bravo

  10. This is a very nice portrayal of the colliery in the style of Hundertwasser. The colors you have used give life to your composition.

  11. A lovely addition to your series. I like the colours incorporated into the otherwise drab area around the mine. The rather ghostly pit wheel reflects the loss of industry.

  12. I am always in awe of your hand stitching. Another great work in which you have made a beautiful combination with the dilapidated building and the style of Hundertwasser. I just LOVE it.

  13. A beautiful interpretation and composition in the style of Hundertwasser of the crumbling location that is now being reclaimed by nature. Love all the amazing hand stitching and details!

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