Kaylene Maalste – S

S for Save

Inspiration: Japanese BoroBoro means something tattered or mended the “boro” style was favored by nineteenth and early twentieth-century rural Japanese. When a kimono or sleeping futon cover started to run thin in a certain area, Japanese women patched it with a small piece of scrap fabric using sashiko stitching. This concept of “Saving” an item for further use is the inspiration for my quilt and the letter “S”.

Using the inspiration from the Japanese “Boro”, I hand stitched patches of commercial Japanese fabric to a base using sashiko stitches and thread. In some areas the patches are three pieces of fabric in depth. This top is sandwiched between a thin batting and back piece. It was not my intent to be a purist with the sashiko stitches, but to maintain a “primitive” look and feel to the quilt.

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  1. Love your word chosen for S and the idea behind this word executed brilliantly!

  2. A very original found for the letter S and Ilove the way you executed the Boro technique.

  3. The choice you have done, it’s very well integrated and explained. I love the sashiko stitches. The colours and the fabrics adapt well to the BoroBoro technique. Well done.

  4. You truly caught the spirit of Boro and hope you saved few scraps of fabric. So many S in this piece!

  5. I love your choice for the word “save” and the philosophy behind it. The contrast between the white sashiko thread and the dark fabrics is perfect. I also like the choice of several layers in some places as a reminder of traditional Boro.

  6. Love this piece, the thought process behind it is brilliant. A great collection of ‘S’ words drawn together with very neat stitching, I like the way that you have also used the coloured thread.

  7. An interesting interpretation of an unexpected “s” word, especially in today’s world emphasis on recycling.

  8. I love the rhythm and simplicity of the piece, and the idea behind the design. The muted colours work really well with the white sashiko stitching and the whole thing has a peaceful feeling.

  9. Traditional Japanese boro cloths have a beauty like no other. Each cloth tells a unique story of its journey through life with patches carefully sewed on and reinforced with stitching. Love your story Kaylene and beautifully stitched!

  10. studiociboulette

    Beautiful example of Japanese stitching and and patchwork. I love it.

  11. Beautiful Kaylene. I love the Japanese fabrics and the mending of it. You did a great job with the running stitch and the sashiko threads. And indeed, save is the best word to describe what you did, well done!

  12. What a lovely piece of work. The idea is great and the stitching is beautiful.

  13. What a great idea to use the word “save” in combination with the boro technique. Nice composition. Well done!

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