Caro Higgs – Circles- Indian Screen

At present I am trying to be more focussed with my work and am therefore trying to work with a theme which is evident in everything I do so I need to adapt every subject to fall in with this plan . My trip to India gave me a lot of ideas and inspiration which I hope to reinforce next year. India is very often represented in textile work with its vibrant colours, I am attracted more to the shape and form.

This piece is adapted from a photograph of a stone ‘screen’ window; very often these screens are carved in stone or marble but this one was cast in a mould and the result was not smooth. I love this idea of having something through which one can see glimpses of something else. In this case there was another ‘screen’ composed of square bricks with ‘cut-out’ circles in them. I have worked the central motif using aquarelles and puffa paint to give the roughness and irregularities of the surface. There were little circles on the trunk part which I have printed and then puffa-painted. I wanted the leave the edges free to give the impression of space between the two surfaces, so the motif is on vilene with the edges oversewn and attached with machine stitching away from the edge, except for the ‘trunk which is not attached directly to the background. The background itself, a piece of Indian cotton fabric dyed with walnuts is printed with a lino print which I have hand quilted to give more definition. This idea has created a series and I am plying around with developing the same idea further. I am not entirely happy with the colouring on the motif but it was white with tinges of different colours and shadows, I don’t think I made them subtle enough! All the printing was done with fabric paints.

Indian screen

Close Up View:

detail Indian screen

  1. Caro your design really stands out. It is beautiful and so much YOU! Superb technique! I love all the detail.

  2. I like the subtlety of this piece, the fact that the motif draws you in and then the surprise of the circle “tile” motif behind the tree.

  3. I must echo Els, the technique is unique and gives your art a special touch and I do not have any problems with the colours in the stone work. Bravo


    What a nice quilt you made out of it Caro, love your colours and the subtle circles peeping through. Very nice hand quilting too.

  5. It is suberb Caro ! I like the different layers and the fact that we really see the space between them.

  6. This is lovely. The circle fretwork is perfect. It is reminiscent of much of the metal and stone fretwork I see around Muscat, also often with a wooden screen behind. Great techniques.

  7. English quilter

    I love the subtlety of the colors, which help to emphasize the shape of the tree/leaf. The circles are beautifully printed and stitched. Thank you for the detailed explanation of how you created the piece.

  8. Certainly not obviously circles until you take a really god look. Such a beautiful piece and so well executed. Fantastic.

  9. A beautiful design, Caro, and the circles pop when looking at the enlargement. Thank you for such a detailed explanation of the techniques used. This quilt truly reflects the influence of your time in India.

  10. Nice to read the explanation of the techniques you used. You can almost see thru, it is good you did not stitch on the edge. Well done!

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