Maryte Collard – Blooming

Apple Blossom

My favorite time of the year is spring, especially the time when apple trees are covered by pink clouds of flowers. I tried to capture that in my quilt. I know I could do it differently and more realistically using a different technique but I love piecing and I am determined to stick to it. That makes color a main means of expression of my idea.

I used my own hand dyed cotton fabrics.

Close up view:
  1. Congratulations on your first challenge. A perfect abstract vision of blooming. Good choice and combination of colours. Well done.

  2. What an energetic, vibrant blooming!

  3. Wonderful composition to show blooming. Colors!

  4. I love your abstract interpretation of the flowers. Perfect quilting! It is good to stick to your own preference. Welcome to our group!

  5. Your quilt is stunning in its composition and use of color. I enjoy realism in abstract pieces, where I am able to quickly discern the message. Yours proclaims loudly, “Look At Us – We’re Flowers!” Fun and whimsical!

  6. It is you ! I love how your abstract interpretation is also so realistic. Your quilting is beautiful.

  7. This is a wonderful abstract interpretation, and really well worked. I love the colours you have chosen, and the way you have arranged the blocks. A happy and bright spring scene indeed. Welcome to the group.

  8. A great first piece ! Your choice of colours and form work so well, a really lovely piece of work.

  9. Well done for sticking with what you like best. Your flowers are bold and beautiful and your quilting is excellent.

  10. I like how you made pieced geometric shapes into flowers. Very effective. Happy, lively colors. Lovely piece.

  11. Welcome Maryte and congratulations on your first piece in the group. It is a lovely interpretation of the theme and the abstract design and the stitching makes it wonderful, well done!

  12. Beautiful use of complementary colours. I like how you used the abstract shapes to get such a wonderful composition, Your quilting is excellent. Welcome to the group.

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