Joan Brailsford – Country – Artist

A Landscape for Munch

Inspiration: The artist from Norway that I chose is Edvard Munch, whose most famous work is The Scream but who produced many other recognised owrks of art.

Edvard Munch is a Norwegian expresssionist painter whose best know work,The Scream, has become an iconic image. He was influenced by impressionist painters and he focussed on this style, with his work even being compared to that of Van Gogh. He adopted the open brush-strokes of the impressionists in some of his paintings, but developed his own original style using flowing tortuous use of lines. His early work appears quite dark and isolation and loneliness are typical of the emotions he imbues his work with. His concentration on emotional essentials sometimes led to radical simplification of forms and an expressive rather than descriptive use of colour.

For my piece I wanted to reflect the rather bleak subjects of Munch’s work, so I chose an open moorland landscape with a wind-blown tree as the main focus. I purposely kept the design simple but used lines of hand-stitching in the foreground to emphasise the surface ripples of the land, and swirls of machine quilting in the sky to represent the brush-strokes and flowing lines of the painter. The fabric is a commercial space-dyed piece for the land and hand-dyed fabric for the sky and wind-blown tree. The small bushes are hand-stitched wool rovings, to give added texture. I used gold acrylic paint to stamp onto a neutral coloured fabric for the binding, to suggest an ornate frame which often frames artwork.

Detail views:




Examples of Munch’s work





  1. A wonderful interpretation, I love the colors and simplicity that you have sued in your design. Bravo

  2. Great synthesis of Munch’s style! I think it is a big injustice that we recognize artists by just one popular picture missing the many more of their great art. Beautiful work!

  3. carolinehiggs

    This works so well Joan, your choice of sober colours, the tree outlines and the movement in the sky really capture the essence of Munch’s work, well done, I really like it.

  4. Beautiful ! the movement of your quilting echoes that of the paint strokes in Munch’s work. We can even feel the tortured atmosphere so typical in his paintings.

  5. quilterpaola

    Joan, you managed to bring back those feelings of sadness, loneliness and despair that Munch put into his works because of his tragic life. I like it very much. Bravo!

  6. You have captured the prolific yet perpetually troubled artist style and his preoccupation with anxiety, emotional suffering and vulnerability. Well done Joan!

  7. I was in Norway at the art museum that a lot of Mounch painting was there.
    Truly the screem is his most famous but his subjects are different and vried, as your inspiration. I really like your choice and how you bring it to your work. I can feel the wind.

  8. Maryte Collard

    Like, Bella, I’ve been to Munch’s museum in Oslo, Norway too. Also like Bella, I can feel the wind and with that, and colors you used, comes the emotion of sadness. You are a true master of landscape!

  9. What a beautiful design! I love the emptiness in this piece, the feeling of open landscape and the wind that you have presented so well here. Excellent.

  10. Wonderful composition. I love the emptiness. The black tree silhouet is really an eye catcher.
    Your quilting in the air gives a perfect feeling of the swirling wind.
    What a nice thought to stamp the binding to represent an ornate frame. Bravo.

  11. I also saw many of Munch’s other paintings at one of his exhibitions and indeed, it is a pity that most people only know the Scream. This is a beautiful forlorn windswept landscape, the quilting in the sky really gives the impression of whirlwinds. I especially love the use of your fabrics! A lovely piece.

  12. Your composition is stunning in its simplicity. The quilting adds movement as does the windblown tree.

  13. You managed to create Munch’s style. I can feel the wind blowing. Great composition. I love the stamped binding: a touch of gold, not too much. Bravo, Joan!

  14. studiociboulette

    You really captured the atmosfhere and movement of Munch. Love the colours and stiching. Bravo

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