Helen Hazon – C

C for Cranesbill

Inspiration: In May my garden has a background of many shades of green. It also has a lot more flowers, mostly pink and blue. In pink we have lilac, aquilegia, cranesbills, red campion. The blues include lots of bluebells, bugle and irises.

For this quilt I have chosen cranesbills – Latin name Geranium – for their cheerfulness and reliability.

These flowers grow wild here but have been tamed and bred to create many varieties for gardens. They love to grow in the light, sandy soil that we have here and in our mix of sun and shade. When I looked this week we have at least 14 different types of cranesbill flowers, some that I planted and some that have grown after cross pollination in the garden. All of them have 5 petals in each flower and their colours range from white through pink to deep purple.

My quilt background is confetti pieces with net and quilting to keep them in place. The flowers were cut from 2 layers of fabric fused together then details were added with Inktense pencils and hand embroidery.

All cotton with nylon net.

Detail views:




Original photos:





  1. carolinehiggs

    A great addition to your series! The individual flowers are so detailed and the colour mix just perfect. Great piece.

  2. Beautiful! Loved your earlier pieces as well. The flowers are beautifully dominant on a very effective background. The colours are exquisite.

  3. I love your flowers, they are so neat ! and your choice of colour is perfect.

  4. It’s nice to see you add more and more colour in the background, just as in the real garden.
    The flowers are so very nice!!!
    Are these pictures of your own garden? Lovely!

  5. Yes, the pictures are all of my own garden and flowers.

  6. Your flowers are beautiful, they look 3D. Love the colors. Another wonderful addition to your flower series.

  7. Maryte Collard

    First of all your garden is beautiful, and I love that you grow native flowers, and represent them in your quilt. Three-dimensional effect makes your quilt even more interesting.

  8. joanbrailsford

    Lovely flowers that express the current season so well. I like the confetti technique that you are using throughout the series and the way that the colour of each background reflects the flowers that are in bloom. The flowers themselves are beautifully done,

  9. Love your idea and your garden is growing up beautifully!

  10. The way you design your gardens and flowers in your quilts is very interesting. Love your backgrounds and the popping up flowers of the season. Great details you made in your cranesbill, they are alive!

  11. Your flowers are lovely, I didn’t know that they were also called geraniums. The background is beautiful and by grouping your flowers into one corner, you have allowed it to be a prominent feature. I also really like your use of color.

  12. Beautifully detailed and realistic 3D flowers. I love seeing how the background foliage and flower colors change with each new addition to the series and as the season progresses.

  13. studiociboulette

    Beautiful flowers in a beautiful garden. I love your attention to details. Gorgeous.

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