Maryte Collard – Book #1

Two Moons

This year I will be making quilts reflecting on the books of contemporary Japanese writer Haruki Murakami. Haruki Murakami was born in 1949 and he is still alive and well. In his books he fuses realistic and fantastic and many of his books have become bestsellers.

Right now, I am reading the 7th book written by him so I have a lot to choose from.

My first quilt is inspired by his book 1Q84. The book had 1300 pages but it was very easy to read no matter that I have read it in English, not my native Lithuanian. As the title suggests, it is a dystopia to George Orwell’s 1984. There are many lines of plot in it: it is a love story, a fantasy, and a novel of self-discovery where things are happening in two parallel worlds. The “other” world has two moons in the night sky and the year is 1Q84.

I used my own hand dyed fabric for the night sky and a commercial batik for two moons. I quilted them with slightly different color metallic threads that are not well seen in the photo. The smaller moon has a blue hue. The moons and clouds are fused on with Bondaweb.

  1. This is a lovely emotive piece of work. The stitching works perfectly, good choice of book. Really like it!

  2. When I saw the writing 1Q84, I thought of George Orwell. I don’t know Haruki Murakami, but I think he is a very interesting author and worth putting on my reading list. Blue fabric dye is gorgeous. I like the drawing and composition. The two moons and clouds make the atmosphere mysterious and fascinating. Excellent stitching work. Bravo.

  3. Very interesting take on Murakami prose. I know a few of his books and I can feel his vibe in your piece. Love the colors and the quilting!

  4. Chantal Guillermet

    I have not read any of Murakami’sbooks and up to now I was not very attracted by Japanese litterature. But your artist statement makes me want to try ! I love the blue fabric you used and the composition of the quilt is so well thought ! Great quilting too !

  5. I don’t know the author and his books, but when I read what you wrote it intrigued me  . Nice job . The sky blue fabric is very beautiful and the stitching work is excellent

  6. I read only two books by Murakami and I do not know this one. Great choice though! The blue fabric is gorgeous, the composition beautiful and the stitching awesome. So well done!

  7. Lovely work and an interesting subject to work from (not an author that I have come across before). The fabrics give a very realistic night sky and the stitching in the moons and the background is beautiful. Well done

  8. I don’t know these books or their author so it will be exciting to see how your series develops. The color pallet and stitching bring your piece to life.

  9. The hand dyed fabric is just right for this quilt and you stitching is prefect as it always is. Beautiful!

  10. I don’t know this author so will follow your series with interest. Your quilt is very dramatic with lovely colours and effective stitching.

  11. Another author that I will have to explore, your interpretation with colour and motifs draws the viewers eye to want to know more.

  12. studiociboulette

    Beautiful quilting and design and your choice of colours that set the mood… Gorgeous!

  13. Lovely composition interpreting the two parallel universes and showcasing the two moons, one larger than the other. Lots of symbolism in this book, can’t wait to see more. Well done!

  14. I don’t know the writer but your interpretation in fabric of his book is

    beautiful. Very nice composition and wonderful handdyed sky.


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