Ann Turley – Artist style #3

Inspired by “Senecio”

Paul Klee had quite a sense of humor and in this piece, was influenced by African culture. My quilt closely, though not exactly, imitates the original. Klee made good use of geometric shapes and simple colors. His painting demonstrates his own principles of art with graphic lines, space and color. I took his concept and adjusted the colors and shapes to suit my personal style. Here, it is plain to see that he “took a line for a walk.” I used all commercial cottons in the construction of my quilt.

Senecio full quilt:

Detail view:

“Senecio”, the original 1922 artwork:

  1. Love your Senecio, very Klee-esque!

  2. Chantal Guillermet

    No doubt : in your quilt the style of Paul Klee is recognizable ! although different ! Bravo !

  3. carolinehiggs

    Instantly recognisable! Interesting colours and very neatly stitched. Well done.

  4. Bella Kaplan

    Your work is definitely similr to Paul Clay’s works. I love the colors you choose for the face and background.

  5. Maryte Collard

    I truly love this your piece and I am walking along your lines.

  6. studiociboulette

    What a fun quilt. I love your interpretation and the background quilting gives the textile dimension. Bravo!

  7. Great interpretation using different coloured and patterned fabrics. The quilting and choice of background fabric make this quilt “sing”.

  8. Lovely interpretation with different colours and very neat stitching. Bravo!

  9. I like the fabrics you used. Your quilt makes me smile.

  10. Lovely bright colours clearly reflecting your artist’s style. I love the quilting design in the background.

  11. Your quilt really made me smile immediately. It is so much fun and lovely. Great use of colours and shapes. Bravo.

  12. joanbrailsford

    I like your choice of fabrics, and of course shapes. The quiliting really does look like the line that went for a walk. Well done

  13. I can appreciate the geometric shapes and crisp lines with your fabric color choices and the stitching gives it depth and texture. Instantly recognizable, well done!

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